Friday, September 22, 2017


In May we covered the small green house.  It is not an easy task.  I have watched video's on it and it looked so simple.
My son had done one before and told us it was not a 15 minute job like some say.

Anyway we got it covered and my hubby worked on the windows and doors screening them.
It has all paid off.  We harvested green beans and tomatoes.
I canned 70 pints so far.  The green beans just keep on producing. They seem to love the green house environment.
I am canning tomato sauce now.  My son made his salsa and he canned it.  I can not do the salsa and breath the fumes from the hot peppers.  Strange I know but everyone has their allergies.

We raised onions and tomatoes in the uncovered green houses.  We tried zucchini but pack rats are great climbers and just climbed over the fencing we temporarily put up to keep the rabbits out. 

We plan on covering the other 2 green houses this fall and winter.  We picked up the cover for one of the large green houses this summer on the way back from visiting family in California

We harvested the onions and put them in the drying shed my son built.  It sure works great.  We got 8 boxes filled of the cured onions in the first batch.  The second batch is in the drying shed now.  So we are done with the onions this year.

I enjoyed growing in the green house.  You do not have the bug problem that you have in the field. 
There are crops that do not grow well in a green house.  So we plan on getting the main garden fixed up for things like potatoes, onions, garlic and other veggies.

Sure will enjoy our no pesticide veggies this year that we planted.  Looking forward to next year.


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