Tuesday, September 25, 2018


After the picking of the apples, the work in the kitchen begins.  Dear Hubby was sitting at the table most of the day with the apple peeler and peeling about 2 bushel baskets of apples.  I have started the process of cooking the apples till tender for applesauce.  The apples I am doing had blemishes or dropped and would eventually bruise so we make applesauce out of them.
With the apple peeler we did not need to run them through the fruit grinder (as I call it).  I just had to put it in the food processor to grind down to a sauce like consistency.
The food processor did a great job and now I will heat it up for canning.
Dear Hubby took a picture of me in the process of getting ready to process the applesauce.
With this being applesauce I used my pressure cooker as it is faster and it takes less time to process in the altitude of over 6,000 ft. where I live.
The finished product.  This will be so good on pancakes, cakes, muffins, or just to eat this winter.  Healthy no preservative apple sauce.


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